To Mr. Sigmund:
It has been a very tough day today. My cat Sigmund is dying and I miss him already. He is 18 years old and I guess it's just his time. It doesn't make it any easier, but that is very old for a cat. He has been my bosom buddy and my solace for 18 years. He knows the sound of my van and would jump up in the window when he heard it. Once he knew it was me for sure, he would run to the door and wait for me to come in. He would walk between my legs as I tried to get to the kitchen to set stuff down. Then it was over to the couch for our special daily loving session. He would snuggle up under my chin and purr the loudest purr you have ever heard. When he'd reached his limit of stimulation he would jump down and curl up either in the chair next to me or at my feet. If I got up to go anywhere he would follow me like a little puppy. Every night he would curl up on the bed nestled in at the back of my knees. We would have a special good night petting session when I would stroke his ears and give him noogies. He loved noogies. Today he has been in the office all day, he hasn't eaten or had anything to drink. When he tries to walk he just wobbles and then lays back down. I brought his water dish up but he doesn't seem to be interested at all. His coat is very dull and his eyes are kind of glassy, so I know it won't be long. He has given me so much joy through the years, it's really hard to say goodbye, but I know I must. I love him so very much and I will miss him just as much. Goodbye Mr. Sigmund, I love you.
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